Tuesday, September 6, 2016

wedding story (for posterity purposes)

I spent the night before with a few of my girlfriends in a hotel room. I shared a bed with Chelsea on a pull out couch and probably had the best night's sleep I've ever had. I awoke early in the morning and now recalling I hope I showered but I truly cannot remember. My mom and her cousin came in the morning and fixed themselves on the ground in their pajamas and worked on a flower crown while gabby curled my hair. I didn't even think to bring hair bands or bobby pins but luckily my sister and friends were prepared where I was lacking. Nothing would have been accomplished without any of these girls. I put my dress on and with Louie in tow, picked up coffee from a local coffee shop and Katie drove us up to the Indian peaks wilderness. 

When we got to the pay station the volunteer saw me in my dress, congratulated me and let us in for free. This made me cry a little. We pulled into the parking lot and Sean was already waiting in his handsome navy blue suit.

Our family and friends slowly began to trickle in. My parents had not arrived yet , so we decided to exchange vows while we waited. Kandice (who is more than just photographer, i.e. hero), Sean and I walked toward our ceremony spot right at the lake and read each other our prepared letters. I was so shocked to hear how tender Sean's letter was. I can remember perfectly, his quiet voice over the blustering wind that day reading the most beautifully prepared words. I read his vows from time to time and it brings me back to this magical day. I felt a huge wave of relief after we shared this secret moment together. It felt so quiet and peaceful and truly us. It was the one moment that day that I felt really belonged to us. Those five minutes only existed for me and him.

We returned to our company and with perfect timing my side of the family arrived and we assembled in a group and walked back to the lake shore. This was another one of the moments that I hope to never forget. We didn't have a isle to walk down so we walked as a group to the ceremony spot. I was in the front with my sisters and I'm just realizing now that Sean was not anywhere near me but it felt right. Sean and I began as two separate people.

Our years of partnership have not been held together just by us. It was absolutely a collective, community brought relationship. Each person there has given us advice, helped us when we struggled, celebrated milestones...and walking all together was a very appropriate literal and symbolic scene. And I loved it.

Sean's father married us with his beautiful heartfelt words. The ceremony included Native American prayers and his own reflections and I still can't get over how wonderful it was. The sun was so strong and bright and felt so good on my bare shoulders. I felt so connected with nature and with my people. It really was so awesome.

Afterwards, we enjoyed each other's company as we had a little breakfast at the picnic tables. It wasn't fancy and I don't remember significant romantic moments with Sean but we had such a happy time.

Other things to note and life lessons that were learned:
Sean was almost pulled into the lake by our INSANE dog. Literally insane. It was so funny and he was such a hassle but I'm so glad Louie was with us. Lesson 1: Do more leash training with your dog if planning on bringing him/her to special event.

Right before we started the ceremony a couple hikers passed by us and it was so Colorado.

I did my hair exactly how I said I wouldn't. UP! With my ears exposed! But it's been good therapy because ears are ears and I shouldn't care! (I do. still.) Lesson 2: You think you've done a good job hiding your ears all your life, but really, everyone is used to them and no one thought your ears resembled yoda, and still worrying about it makes you look stupid.

I did not think about how much I hated my dress. It was fine, even when it fell off down to my belly button and exposed my AWESOME sticky bra thing. Lesson 3: Even at weddings (which innately seem superficial) no one cares, not even you, it's just a good time.

I still am having a weird time grasping the idea of what marriage means to us. I think because of our unmarried identity for so long, now pronouncing our marriage almost feels like saying that it is more special now or something. And it isn't. Frankly, it's the same.

I've been doing a lot of over analyzing about the idea of marriage and have forgotten to just enjoy us. Whether marriage is a thing or not, I love Sean and we are happy and that is all that should matter. Can you tell I'm majoring in anthropology and that I love social theory!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

monthly synopsis: episode 9

I've changed the synopsis to monthly, because weekly is much to often.

1. Watermelon's are amazing right now! Rocky Ford, CO you give birth to the most beautiful melons.
2. Hiking, hiking, and more hiking. We have crossed off almost every single hike on our summer list his year! One left!
3. Hiked a lightly snow covered Mt. Bierstadt super early in the morning.
4. Breakfast, just because it's my favorite meal.
5. An amazing view from one of our hikes in Rocky.
6. Louie has been with us for 2 YEARS! What occasionally feels like 100 years but we love him still.
7. This boyfriend/husband/best friend of mine has really been such a great support to me lately. I started school this month and have been so overwhelmed and he just literally does everything so that I can focus on studying. Saint Sean. Also toooo weird to call him my husband so I have been  saying partner or roommate.
8. Ran our 2nd half marathon together on an amazing trail in Frisco.
9. We got married!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

backpacking trip #1

This trip was from way back in JUNE!? Oh time where have you gone!

 Reading 'Lady in the Rockies'

Thunder lake

backpacking trip #2

West side of Pawnee pass

East side of Pawnee pass

 Overgrown trail full of wildflowers

Pawnee Lake

Sharing a few pictures from our backpacking trip in Indian Peaks last month. Oh. My. Gosh. This place has my heart! Hence why we got married here. It was so funny to walk past our ceremony spot just a few weekends later in completely opposite attire. I used the same port-a-potty that I used in my wedding dress. Special moment.

Up until Isabelle lake, it was rather an enjoyable stroll but of course the real climbing was just about to begin. As I was huffing and puffing up the side of the mountain, so many runners were passing me with ease and I felt pretty shitty. Once we finally got up to the pass at 12,550 feet, I was so relieved and was re-energized by the new landscape. It was so amazing (and really windy) up there!

Once we got to the lake we did have plans to carry on to Crater Lake but I was completely exhausted and we decided to stay at camp and relax for a while. The boys left to do some exploring while I sat on a comfy rock next to Pawnee Lake and worked on some knitting. Some much needed me and lake time.

I just can't describe really how regenerative this trip was. Even one night away from the regular world feels so good. We watched the sunset and waited for the stars to come out. I fell asleep quickly from having such an exciting day and woke up with the sun and felt anew. I did a little yoga and then enjoyed a nice cup of coffee, packed up and our tiny vacation was over. Writing this makes me itch for another backpacking excursion before winter! I need to get planning!

Friday, May 27, 2016

weekly synopsis: episode 8

1. Went on an amazing hike to Estes Cone in RMNP. Finally hiking above 9,000ft. Summer is almost here!
2. Attended a trash diet workshop that andrea from bezero hosted, came home and re-assessed like a crazy person.
3. Twins...very disturbing.
4. Snow free mountain!
5. Our monthly bulk haul from Simply bulk.
6. Just implemented composting and recycling at the office and I am so excited! Now if I could get rid of the coffee cups and plasticware...
7. Just my sweet little baby friend visiting!
8. Sean's 25th birthday!
9. My favorite sunset spot.


Sean and I have been replacing things in our house slowly to zero waste products as we run out and toothpaste was the first to go. I did lots of different research on other homemade toothpaste and I found this one to be my favorite:

3 tablespoons coconut oil or until desired texture. (prevents tooth decay, absorbs calcium that make your teeth stronger and has anti bacterial properties)
1/4 cup baking soda (mildly abrasive and removes surface stains)
1/4 cup xylitol (sweetener, fights cavities)
15-20 drops peppermint oil
Mix all of these together in a container and spoon onto toothbrush for use.

It's super simple and we love it. It doesn't have the freshness of commercial toothpaste but it is free of harmful chemicals and I'm find with that trade!

trying to be a "zero waste" wedding

Being climate conscious is not necessarily a new thing in our household but being more proactive about it is. That being said and having 1 month left until our wedding, I can't not talk about waste and weddings...DUN DUN DUN!

So! Did you know on average one wedding of about 100-200 guests produces about 400-600lbs of waste...? With that terrifying statistic lets get on into it.

Firstly, Sean and I made a list of things that we wanted to have in our wedding. Nothing should be obvious. We decided early on that we didn't care (well...I care, kind of...) what a "normal" wedding was like and this was going to be our own thing. My sweet, sweet mother had a lot of ideas: this special plastic ware, party favors in cute colorful plastic bags...all my plastic nightmares come true.

We recently went to Utah to visit and we were able share my thoughts on all of this. And as I mentioned above she is really the sweetest because she totally hopped on board. She's even recruited a few of her friends to collect second hand plates for the reception. Best. mom. ever.

I do have a few regretful decisions that I already made in haste of all of this wedding excitement...

1) The wedding dress I bought brand new and paid way to much for it. I definitely got wrapped up in all of the sparkly funness of being a newly engaged human and bought it on a whim. I will indeed find a way to recycle this. (Anyone reading this is more than welcome to take it off my hands after July 16th!)

2) Invites I printed out instead of emailing them like I should have. Though the cost was cheap and they are super cute, not really a necessary item.

Though this may not be a 100% waste free event we are conscious and trying our best! A+ for effort!

Still left to accomplish:
150 napkins…
30 mason jar cozies…
Find more jars/cups...
Find compost drop off in SLC…
Fix dress...
Vigorously spread the word of no gifts...this has proven to be very difficult and weird. Tips anyone?
Literally everything else...

Friday, April 29, 2016

weekend adventures

Last weekend was so sunny and so beautiful and I'm doing some reminiscing because today, it's snowing.

 drying socks on our super lame clothes line...its yarn and does not hold much weight...but does save us in electricity since we don't use our dryer much!

 best way to start a weekend, in my opinion, a cup of coffee and knitting on the porch with the pup

  hiking with louie OFF LEASH! This is his greatest joy in life. Seeing him be able to romp free in the mountains just melts my heart. 

 !!ice cream in bulk from a local ice creamery/bakery!! Also on a side note it is only a couple blocks from my house and this may become a health hazard.

gardening at the library with my most awesome community. I'm so happy to be involved with this project!

salad that was made with previously mentioned garden. Did you know you can eat dandelion leaves?!

1 month

It's been about a month since our waste free journey began...

and we have reduced our trash (as a 2 human and one dog household) from 60-80 liters of trash per month to a whopping >1 liter of garbage. GET OUT! I'm so proud of us.

Putting our trash in a jar was mostly about awareness but it surely helped us produce less. Just knowing how much garbage we produced made me more conscious about every decision I was making. Too many times have I made decisions without thinking about my impact; not only environmentally but socially. Humans can be extremely selfish and I'm hoping to reduce these instances in my life.

A few of the things we threw away in april have now been switched out to more sustainable options!

*Compostable toothbrushes-https://www.brushwithbamboo.com/
You guys, everyone go and order one right this minute! These are so awesome. The handle is compostable or better yet, you could upcycle them and the bristles can be recycled at a center. I looked into pig hair bristles (biodegradable option) but decided to go with this one. Goodbye, but not really to my old toothbrushes that will be in the landfill forever and never decompose.

*Homemade toothpaste-which is still a work in progress but currently a combination of coconut oil, xylitol (which was damn hard to find!), baking soda and peppermint oil. I actually really like this toothpaste and Sean does too! It definitely doesn't leave a minty fresh feel but I don't mind that part.

*The best deodorant in the entire world!-Also costs no money. Seriously. My ultimate test for this all in one day was as follows: 2 spritz per armpit; Biked to work hurriedly on a hot day (4 miles one way) and went on 5 mile hike. I smelled my clothes and armpits and it was violets and roses. I will share this magical recipe at a later date.

*Soap bar-it smells so good and is SLS free and I bought it locally with no packaging. Win, win, win. I use this for my hair and body.

Yay for zero waste!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

weekly synopsis: episode 7

1. Winding the weekend down with a nice cup of tea.
2. Made 45 napkins for the wedding...still have 100 to go....
3. Had a nice dinner up in Red Feather during a winter snow storm.
4. Did some serious reducing in my bathroom.
5. Biked to work every day except one!
6. Spring has been just lovely (although there is 6 inches of snow outside right this minute)
7. Yogurt and granola work snack!
8. Brunch with Meg at Cafe Aion.
9. Hike up to Bear Peak with Sean (Who now wears glasses!!) and lou lou.

Hope everyone had a wonderful week!

Monday, April 4, 2016

hope for a more sustainable future.

I've recently made a big change in my life that I feel really passionate about!

Living waste free.

This has a lot of sub categories under it but overall trying to produce the least amount of trash as possible. Buying things in bulk, making sure I have containers with me at all times so I don't have to use any one-use items, buying second hand, composting, reducing, reusing, recycling etc.

It's not hard but it is certainly laborious. There are lot of amazing conveniences in this technological world of ours but unfortunately a lot of it ends up in the landfills...

Changes i've made so far:
1) A lot of research and studying up on the subject!
2) Saying no to bottled water, plastic utensils and to-go containers.
3) Along with #3, always have containers, utensils and napkins on hand, just in case!
3) Reducing the amount of things we own.
4) Properly disposing of our already owned plastics and switching over to a more sustainable/lasting glass and/or stainless steel.
5) Visited the bulk store (If you are in the front range: Simply bulk is a dream!)
6) Keep track of our trash!
7) We were already composting but being more diligent about it.

Our trash for the month of April so far-

My friend Meg is the one who pushed me to be more aware of the waste I was producing. So in essence, i'm sharing this so that I could be somebody's Meg. I'm grateful for her. Thanks Meg you've really shaped my life for the better! (Also she introduced me to knitting, so I am literally forever in her debt.) You're amazing, never change.

if you had a twin i would still choose you. love drake.

It is 70 degrees and beautifully sunny right now.

After work I stopped at my favorite bakery and treated myself to an iced coffee and a quiche. They had their garage door wide open and I sat facing it listening to the booming pop music of the young baker manning the store. Rihanna's "werk" came on which I usually cringe at the sound of her lazily pronouncing her words...but this time I couldn't but help jamming a little bit. Maybe it's not a well written song but we cannot deny its most appealing beat. 

Not to get all spiritual with Rihanna in a bakery but sitting there...I felt really good...But how easily I forget these beautiful simple days when a bad one comes along...note to self: need to work on this.

Also took Lou to the river today.

Friday, March 4, 2016

weekly synopsis: episode 6

1. This is the biggest news of all! I went to the airport with Sean last Friday to pick up "Gabe the potential CU grad student" and these two popped out of the airplane! BEST SURPRISE EVER! Actually...ONLY SURPRISE I have ever had in my life, so still the best. Obviously I cried a little bit. I still feel like it was a dream. Love you so much Gabe/Gabby/Katie.
2. Had a 'cookie date' as Sean called it. All of this is new: calling our spending time a 'date' and also Sean helping me make cookies.
3. Recently with the help of my good friend Meg, I have embarked on a waste free life!
4. Oh my gosh...these picked radishes were so delicious.
5. Working on a spring sweater.
6. I mean look at this picture. Just melts my heart. Also Sean has been sick this whole week with the flu. I can't help but think about this video...
7. Coffee/knitting/real talk date with Meg at our favorite coffee shop.
8. So much running! It feels magical to be back in shape!
9. I love these cute goats in our neighborhood!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

weekly synopsis: episode 5

1. I've been trying to make bread every week and so far both tries have not risen like I want it too. argh!
2. Hello snowy pup.
3. We had a snow day this week! Well kind of...I worked a half day and s and lou had the whole day off together.
4. I love the moon.
5. I had a terrible, terrible day at work last week. So many dramatic emotions! Knowing that i would most likely die emotionally if I didn't eat something with sugar, Sean bought these before i got home. The best kind of band aid.
6. !New! Trick. I am so excited about this one! Watch out louie! I'm going to put so many misc. items on your head. har har
7. Hiking before the big storm.
8. Oh my gosh, GOLD HILL! I love you so much. What a cool little mining town! I can't wait to visit in the summertime.
9. The beginnings of my sweater!

Monday, January 4, 2016

the end of the year

This was a spectacular year (as is every year).

Every year I try to look back on the past 12 months and reflect. I don't know if there is one standing thing in 2015 but I learned to be happier with what I have and that has been wonderful. Want less, be more grateful, spend less money; these were my 2015 motto's. Here's to another year of life under my belt. 

-January-we woke up at the crack of dawn and saw the sunrise at Rocky Mountain National Park to celebrate it's 100th birthday.

In February-We did a lot of hiking in NCAR, lots of Chataqua Park and Eldorado Springs.

  In March-Tomomi came to visit and we had the best time touring around Colorado with my favorite big sister.

In April-We moved to Boulder!

In May-Explored Trail Ridge covered in feet and feet of snow.

In June-Our closest friends Graham and Lucy got married! and they also moved to the Pacific Northwest..COME BACK!

 In July-We took a summer vacation through WY and SD
-My 2 beautiful sister's came to visit!
-Sean and I got ENGAGED!

In August-A very pregnant Mimi came to see us and also a non pregnant Sam.

In September-We took a beautiful fall drive up in the mountains

In October-We spent the month enjoying October activities. Again went to Bartles farm.

 In November-We went to Steamboat Springs for some snowshoeing
-Thanksgiving was spent again here in Colorado (5th year in a row!)

In December-I spent Christmas in Colorado for the first time.

See you never, 2015!