Sunday, February 22, 2015

this weeks synopsis

The snow is non stop this weekend. Our little town seems sleepier than usual being under a foot of snow and it is lovely. Currently I am sitting by the window enjoying a nice hot cup of coffee while the snow is falling gently down to the ground, all the while Louie keeps my feet warm under his belly. Ahh bliss. 

This week I finished my first pair of knit mittens, was asked to be maid of honor, kept up with my morning routine and overall had a very happy time. I'm off to go make some grown up mac and cheese! Yay!

Goodmorning sun!

I'm a huge fan of lists, schedules and makes me feel on track! So I've recently implemented a few things in my daily routine that I would like to document. I'm not sure if the two people that read my blog are still readers but I feel a little more accountable when I post things. Anyways!

Morning ritual:

1. Wake up EARLY
This has proven itself to be a very difficult task indeed. I am a serious morning person but these days my fleece sheets have kept me captive in coziness and I cannot get out of bed. I started trying the -slowly wake self up through breathing exercises and stretches- but alas it had the opposite affect of rejuvenation and I was lulled back to sleep within a matter of seconds. So now, I literally just force myself to wake up.

2. Lemon water
Apparently if consumed first thing in the morning, before you eat/drink anything else, it helps start up your digestive system. All the ayurvedic blog people have been practically yelling about this so I kind of had to. It's only been a couple of days and mostly I've noticed no difference but I will be back to report any breaking news after 21 days.

3. Sun salutation
I love yoga, but I don't do it enough. So I've made it a goal of mine to do at least one set of sun salutations in the morning! One of my friends does however many repetitions as whatever day it might be. What a great idea that I am too lazy to do!

Well, that's, that! I'm hoping I can report back in a few weeks with an A+!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

I'm trying to be healthier. I really am. I've almost completely put an end to the over gluttonous pasta nights...almost. They are now down to once a week instead of three. I'm not trying to make excuses but my significant other only likes beige colored foods. Sometimes I cry about it. All will change starting today. I bought a cucumber and I'm going to eat it.

There is no real reason for this blog post but I did want to share with you the extreme weather we call totally normal here in Colorado. This was exactly seven days ago...

Winter-effing-wonderland. We snowshoed through the fresh powder and it was just a dream. It reminded me that I still am a ski virgin. A few years ago I made a goal that I would ski, three years later it still hasn't happened. Honestly, I don't even want to anymore. My fear of sudden avalanche death is heightening the older I get. I'm a dog mom now, I can't be too risky. What would Louie do without me? Anyways, a week later it looks like this...

Spring? Are you here already!? It was the most sensual weather this weekend. It's awful to think that it is only February 7th and winter is still in full force through April. I don't know if I can make it.