Thursday, February 4, 2016

weekly synopsis: episode 5

1. I've been trying to make bread every week and so far both tries have not risen like I want it too. argh!
2. Hello snowy pup.
3. We had a snow day this week! Well kind of...I worked a half day and s and lou had the whole day off together.
4. I love the moon.
5. I had a terrible, terrible day at work last week. So many dramatic emotions! Knowing that i would most likely die emotionally if I didn't eat something with sugar, Sean bought these before i got home. The best kind of band aid.
6. !New! Trick. I am so excited about this one! Watch out louie! I'm going to put so many misc. items on your head. har har
7. Hiking before the big storm.
8. Oh my gosh, GOLD HILL! I love you so much. What a cool little mining town! I can't wait to visit in the summertime.
9. The beginnings of my sweater!