Tuesday, July 8, 2014

One of my friends Kuni and his wife, who live in Brooklyn, NY, have the most beautiful shop called Kanorado Shop.

He recently asked me if he could post a few of my trip pictures from my Jackson/Craters of the Moon Trip on the shops' tumblr page. Go take a look! Also while you are over there, you should buy something and support my pals. They are the most amazing people! The last/ONLY time I visited New York, his wife made the most delicious brie sandwiches and we sat on a real checkered picnic blanket. Also we were at Brooklyn Park listening to the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and during the final song there was fireworks. Oh, I had you at brie? I know, I'm secretly in love with her as well. You are required to live a very cool life over there in New York.

This is not a sponsored post.
(Picture Citing: Kanorado Shop)

Update: I went back to look at pictures from the park event and it looks like we are sitting on a rather colorful, striped, regular blanket. Sorry, I lied. Our unrelated neighbors were the ones sitting on a checkered one. 

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