Monday, April 4, 2016

hope for a more sustainable future.

I've recently made a big change in my life that I feel really passionate about!

Living waste free.

This has a lot of sub categories under it but overall trying to produce the least amount of trash as possible. Buying things in bulk, making sure I have containers with me at all times so I don't have to use any one-use items, buying second hand, composting, reducing, reusing, recycling etc.

It's not hard but it is certainly laborious. There are lot of amazing conveniences in this technological world of ours but unfortunately a lot of it ends up in the landfills...

Changes i've made so far:
1) A lot of research and studying up on the subject!
2) Saying no to bottled water, plastic utensils and to-go containers.
3) Along with #3, always have containers, utensils and napkins on hand, just in case!
3) Reducing the amount of things we own.
4) Properly disposing of our already owned plastics and switching over to a more sustainable/lasting glass and/or stainless steel.
5) Visited the bulk store (If you are in the front range: Simply bulk is a dream!)
6) Keep track of our trash!
7) We were already composting but being more diligent about it.

Our trash for the month of April so far-

My friend Meg is the one who pushed me to be more aware of the waste I was producing. So in essence, i'm sharing this so that I could be somebody's Meg. I'm grateful for her. Thanks Meg you've really shaped my life for the better! (Also she introduced me to knitting, so I am literally forever in her debt.) You're amazing, never change.

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