Tuesday, September 8, 2015

July 27th

Sean and I have been together for a solid 5 years and pretty much since the day we started dating I forced him to talk about marriage. I was literally under the impression back in 2010 that I would be married by the summer of 2011...HA! Idiot. Anyway 5 years later, after very carefully analyzing and choosing the ring together, it came in the mail. I wasn't really into the whole proposal thing, but Sean insisted that he do the traditional asking.

We then went on a vacation and I was certain that he was going to ask that week but he didn't.

We came back to our normal work week.... I needed another little getaway before reality so I called Sean to see if he would want to go on a hike .

We drove up to Indian Peaks, found a trail we didn't know about and started off. We walked around and the trail took us to the top of a ridge that overlooks a few peaks. It was the most beautiful view.

Every time I go on a hike, I'm always so impressed by my body, and overwhelmed with the beauty of the mountains. I so easily forget when I'm not in that place of mind that I do love myself and that I live in an amazing place full of amazing people. This is why I love hikes. I looked over at Sean and told him that I love him. I'm so grateful that we can do these things together. I love going on adventures with him. He is always so good to me.

He then said that he loved me too, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

Of course Louie was with us and promptly attacked us as we hugged.  He is so weird about humans hugging. Thanks dude. You really know how to read the vibe.

It was magical. After the all the hating I did on any marriage related traditions, I will say this was a nice one. Thanks S (heart heart kiss)

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