1. This is the biggest news of all! I went to the airport with Sean last Friday to pick up "Gabe the potential CU grad student" and these two popped out of the airplane! BEST SURPRISE EVER! Actually...ONLY SURPRISE I have ever had in my life, so still the best. Obviously I cried a little bit. I still feel like it was a dream. Love you so much Gabe/Gabby/Katie.
2. Had a 'cookie date' as Sean called it. All of this is new: calling our spending time a 'date' and also Sean helping me make cookies.
3. Recently with the help of my good friend Meg, I have embarked on a waste free life!
4. Oh my gosh...these picked radishes were so delicious.
5. Working on a spring sweater.
6. I mean look at this picture. Just melts my heart. Also Sean has been sick this whole week with the flu. I can't help but think about this video...
7. Coffee/knitting/real talk date with Meg at our favorite coffee shop.
8. So much running! It feels magical to be back in shape!
9. I love these cute goats in our neighborhood!