I'm a huge fan of lists, schedules and routines...it makes me feel on track! So I've recently implemented a few things in my daily routine that I would like to document. I'm not sure if the two people that read my blog are still readers but I feel a little more accountable when I post things. Anyways!
Morning ritual:
1. Wake up EARLY
This has proven itself to be a very difficult task indeed. I am a serious morning person but these days my fleece sheets have kept me captive in coziness and I cannot get out of bed. I started trying the -slowly wake self up through breathing exercises and stretches- but alas it had the opposite affect of rejuvenation and I was lulled back to sleep within a matter of seconds. So now, I literally just force myself to wake up.
2. Lemon water
Apparently if consumed first thing in the morning, before you eat/drink anything else, it helps start up your digestive system. All the ayurvedic blog people have been practically yelling about this so I kind of had to. It's only been a couple of days and mostly I've noticed no difference but I will be back to report any breaking news after 21 days.
3. Sun salutation
I love yoga, but I don't do it enough. So I've made it a goal of mine to do at least one set of sun salutations in the morning! One of my friends does however many repetitions as whatever day it might be. What a great idea that I am too lazy to do!
Well, that's, that! I'm hoping I can report back in a few weeks with an A+!