Friday, June 27, 2014

Taking stock for Summer:

Making: banana bread
Cooking: same as above
Drinking: water!
Reading: The Illiad
Wanting: my hairbrush that I left somewhere...
Looking: at S
Playing: no games
Wasting: no more coffee filters! I got a reusable one!
Wishing: to not wish anymore
Enjoying: the porch
Waiting: for a call from job applications
Liking: our new home
Wondering: if S will make me dinner
Loving: the sun
Hoping: to go swimming
Marveling: that we have a porch!
Needing: some more mountain time
Smelling: the banana bread...burning??
Wearing: a bright pink skirt
Following: my heart
Noticing: that I need to reduce my carbon footprint
Knowing: that June went by too fast!
Thinking: of adopting a dog
Feeling: that S will say No to said dog
Bookmarking: recycling centers in my area
Opening: new books
Giggling: at the neighbors
Feeling: sun kissed
S and I live for our summer vacations. Mostly they revolve around hitting up National Parks (we have this map that is obsessively marked with all the ones we've been too) and we were able to hit four new ones on this trip! (nerds!)

We started out in Great Basin National Park. It's extremely out of the way but is definitely worth it! We explored Lehman Caves (highly recommend), did a few little hikes and lastly we climbed Wheeler Peak. (fun fact: Wheeler peak is the 2nd highest peak in Nevada but the 12th most prominent peak in the contiguous United States) 
I know I cry a lot, but if you reached the top of this peak, looked around you and saw the amazingness and vastness of Nevada. I assure you, you would have also shed a tear. It was awe inspiring. 

Next, we drove on through southern Utah. (BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD PERIOD) Camped in Natural Bridges and searched for the elusive House on Fire ruins in the nearby canyon. Which we did not find because of our intelligence, but only happenstance. 

We then drove down the Moki dugway to Gooseneck State Park where I saw a few Japanese folk, Hovenweep NP, Canyon of the Ancients NP, Mesa Verde NP and lastly the Great Sand Dunes NP. It was one of the best six days I have ever had. 

 -The right most peak is Wheeler-

 -House on Fire-

 -Owachomo in Natural Bridges NP-


 -Mesa Verde NP-

-chums at Spruce Tree House-
Greetings from Colorful Colorado!

We are finally, just slightly, getting settled in to our new town so I thought I'd drop in to say hello!

I've been on quite the emotional roller coaster the past few weeks. One minute I love all the free time and the next minute I'm having a panic attack because I'm jobless. Nevertheless, we are enjoying ourselves through hiking, exploring this new place we now call home and much baking. Here are a few pictures from the hike we went on in the Indian Peaks. It's only an hour away from our new place so I'm sure I'll be making frequent visits here!

Monday, June 2, 2014

My time here in my hometown is coming to a close. S and I are moving back to Colorado!

I've moved out of state before but this time it feels entirely different. It is a little more permanent.

So long, Utah!

But! On to the next chapter of my life!

Keep checking up on my blog as I do Coloradoey things, such as...hike every fourteener, eat voodoo donuts, live in an overpriced apartment and maybe get a dog.

(Also, I forgot to mention that I did finish the half marathon! Am I glad it is over? Yes. Now that I've tried one, will I do it again? No.)