Sunday, November 24, 2013

Today has been a very successful sunday. I have finally conquered the cinnamon roll.

Why is that bread is scary/annoying to make. I mean these guys had a total of 3 hours of rising time and 20 minutes of hand the end, it was worth it. Because I had two and I could probably eat two more. And the best part is, all of those in the ziplocs are for future consumption! Heyo~!

The other two pictures are just some other accomplishments that i've finally crossed off my fall to do list....Repotting my dead succulents (still looking dead) and crocheting. Go ME!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Now that i've officially and respectfully said farewell to dearest October, I welcome November with open arms!

I have to share these pictures from the hike I went on yesterday.
This weekend has been beautiful.

 (Lake Blanche)
The best part about this hike was that it wasn't even cold. Just look at that shining sun! I'm so ready for snowshoeing season!

I can't believe that I used to hate the outdoors. Taking more than ten steps away from cell phone service  and having to wear sneakers used to freak me out. NOW look at me! I'm miles and miles away from civilization, wearing the bulkiest hiking boots and i'm "effing" stoked.
My favorite month is over...

Goodbye fall leaves,

Goodbye perfect hiking month,

Goodbye pumpkins,

Goodbye farmer's market,

Goodbye beautiful October, until next time.

(a photograph of myself kissing my october family goodbye)