Friday, February 22, 2013

A couple weeks ago, I was able to visit my friend Megan in the hospital. Megan, her husband and I all grew up together. It was all so strange, wonderful and amazing that I was able to go and hold this little human in my arms! He was so beautiful and I might have cried a little when I held him, and I might have cried some more in the car. (Ya, I'm kind of emotional) Welcome to the world Takeshi-kun!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I forget how much writing I love wrting in this blog. I like being able to look back on my recordings, what I've been doing, how I felt at the's a good outline of how I've grown or what I still need to work on. But lately I've made myself too busy, mostly mentally, living too much in the future and worrying about things, that I can't do anything about...that I've forgotten.  I read this somewhere and it brought me back into focus! "Resist the urge to overanalyze every experience. Live each moment instead." I hope to make this blog an outlet and an inlet of positive growth.

I heard this magazine is actually ending soon, (NOOOO!!), I love these 10 thoughts on whole living.

Tried this recipe and it was delicious! Never drinking normal hot chocolate ever again!

Try this in the mornings.

Interesting read